Lost & Found #17: Cotton Grass at Pointe-au-Baril, Ontario Canada 2006
Pointe-au-Baril, Ontario Canada 2006
I can't choose between these two at the moment, so I'm doing a double-post for this week's Lost & Found - hey, it's my website, right? I honestly don't know the true name of this plant, I think of it as cotton grass but it's a some kind of marsh grower.
These were taken 3h north of Toronto on Georgian Bay, where my parents have had a summer place since the 1940s - and of course, as is often the case in these found images, I was testing out a new(ish) lens that summer. This time it was the Canon 24L f/1.4, so of course I took everything AT f/1.4 whenever possible...
Pointe-au-Baril, Ontario Canada 2006