Red Leap Theatre — Robert Catto, Photographer - Blog — Robert Catto, Photographer - Superb, Professional Photography for Business and the Arts in Sydney, Australia
Posts tagged Red Leap Theatre
First XV: The Arrival at the New Zealand International Arts Festival (2010)

It's always tough to choose a single image from a New Zealand International Arts Festival - after all, I photographed for 24 days straight, usually working 17h days; so there are a few to choose from!

And 2010 was a particularly good year, between visiting companies and New Zealand works; but somehow I come back to Red Leap Theatre's production of The Arrival often, when I'm thinking about that festival. It caught me by surprise, I think - in the same way Giselle did two years earlier, I came into rehearsal not knowing much about the show, and came out a fan of the company...

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Lost & Found #28: The Arrival, New Zealand International Arts Festival 2010

Today's Lost & Found is an image from the 2010 New Zealand International Arts Festival, and as was so often the case, was something that just happened in front of me when I found myself in exactly the right spot...

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